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You’re second to Naan

Snug Shared Living

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Curry Night Social – House of Flavours was our destination, lots of Curry was our aim.

We put on our best (stretchy) clothes on a rainy night in November to meet up in Reading and stuff our bellies full of delicious treats – Curry, what’s not to love.

The night started with a welcome drink and mingling at the bar, Rebecca saw her perfect opportunity for some group pictures and made her stealthy move, it was to be expected, the housemates knew what was coming....

With all the excitement of catching up and meeting new housemates the staff had a hard task getting us all seated and were very patient, we thought at one point they may give up and just serve the meals at the bar but we got there in the end with glasses full and ready to eat.

The food was delicious and testament to this was that the place was full to bursting all night. With lots of variety for all tastes we dined until we could eat no more. The food was delicious with all the different dishes bursting with flavour….. yum yum yum yum yum. It was very tempting to lean over with a piece of naan and ‘dip’ when your neighbour was looking the other way…..but we were all better behaved than that of course…………mostly!

Lots of chattering amongst housemates, catching up with friends from other houses who hadn’t seen each-other recently, getting to know the newbies and arranging more meet ups with each-other.

THIS is what the Snug community is all about, making friends in your home away from home and being part of something special, meeting up for scrummy food and making memories!

At the end of the meal some housemates moseyed on into town to continue their night with some cocktails and to dance the night away and the Curry off.

Where to go next….. Chinese, Italian, Greek………. Hmmm maybe we should do a Snug poll

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